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  • There is very little data on the


    There is very little data on the simultaneous presence of WSSV, MBV, HPV and IHHNV in P. monodon post-larvae meant for stocking in aquaculture ponds and there had been no studies on the prevalence of IHHNV in India. In this study, HPV and IHHNV alone or in combination was detected in 93.3% of the samples. It can be assumed that the very high rates of prevalence of HPV and IHHNV in samples are primarily due to lack of screening strategies for the presence of these viruses in India. Hence measures are yet to be initiated for control of HPV and IHHNV infection in shrimp. It is worthwhile to note that the percentage of hatchery reared post-larvae infected with WSSV and MBV is less. This is due to the stringent screening strategies initiated by hatcheries.
    Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Indian Council for Agricultural Research, New Delhi for the financial assistance and Director, CIFT for providing all the facilities for doing the work.
    Experimental design Cells and zebrafish were metabolically tagged with an alkynyl myristic cam kinase ii analogue or myristic acid control. Following lysis the tagged proteins were ligated via CuAAC to multifunctional capture reagents, [2] affinity enriched and digested to peptides before LC–MS/MS analysis (Fig. 1). Generated spectra were processed with MaxQuant [3] and PEAKS [4] software for protein identifications and lipid modified peptide discovery, respectively. Myristoylated proteins and peptides detected in this study have been deposited as PXD00186 (human) and PXD001876 (zebrafish). Quantitative data (triplex dimethyl labelling) [5] revealing myristoylation dynamics during zebrafish development was included as a part of repository submission PXD001876.
    Materials and methods
    Acknowledgements This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Br 4387/1-1) and European Union (PIEF-GA-2011-299740) fellowships to M.B.; European Union fellowship (PIEF-GA-2010-273868) to R.A.S.; Imperial College London Institute of Chemical Biology EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training studentship (EP/F500416/1) to P.C.
    Specifications table Value of the data Data, experimental design, materials and methods
    Data, experimental design, materials and methods Styrene (M) received from Merck was purified with a freshly prepared solution of NaOH (0.0025M) before using in order to eliminate the inhibitor in styrene. Then, styrene was washed with ultrapure water until the pH was 7. Other chemicals; 1,4-dioxane, Potassium persulfate (KPS), Hydroquinone, Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) were used as received from Merck. Bi-distilled water was used in all the experiments. According to one variable at a time planning technique; temperature (T), MW power density (P), molar ratios; H2O/M, SDS/M, KPS/M and the reaction time (t) were investigated as six experimental variables in the ranges 65–85°C, 0–0.8kWdm−3, 3–9, 0.06–0.1, 0.002–0.005, 7.5–90min. respectively [1]. In a typical run, 60cm3 water, SDS, KPS, and M mixture were load into the jacketed glass reactor and stirred at room temperature for a complete dissolution. Then, ultrasonic pre-treatment was applied to prepare an effective emulsion mixture. Emulsion droplet sizes were measured three times through a Macrosizer device (Malvern Mastersizer 2000, UK) approximately 30min after the sample preparation. Finally, emulsion droplet size distributions were obtained typically between 0.8µm and 10µm as shown in Fig. 1. In this study, a multimode MW reactor (Start-S model, Milestone S.r.l. Sorisole, Italy) was used. During the runs, the Fluoroptic (FO) sensor (accuracy±0.2°C, ATC-FO-300008 type, Zu electronic, Italy) was dipped in the reactor in a glass capillary sheath. By external circulation of 1,4-dioxane as coolant between jacketed glass reactor and cooling bath, continuous and constant MW energy was applied under isothermal conditions as in our previous studies [2–4]. So, our MW experimental system differs from the literatures which use the cooling system by “air cooling“ [5–8] while applying discontinuous MW power [9–11]. A typical experimental plot with the temperature/MW power data received per 1s time interval is shown in Fig. 2.