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  • The second aim of the study was


    The second aim of the study was to investigate whether sensorimotor alpha suppression during action observation is also somatotopically-organised. We found that adults activated their sensorimotor I-BET-762 in a clear somatotopic fashion during the observation of arm and leg actions. When they observed arm actions there was more suppression over the arm areas than over the leg area, and when they observed leg actions the opposite pattern of activation was found. This finding is consistent with previous fMRI studies demonstrating that motor cortex activation is somatopically-organised during action observation (e.g. Buccino et al., 2001), and confirms that our stimuli were able to elicit somatotopically-organised sensorimotor alpha suppression in adult participants. Based on the results from the adult participants, and those of another study with slightly older infants (Saby et al., 2013), we expected to find similarly somatotopically-organised activation patterns in the 12-month-old infants. However, we did not find evidence for this. There was no effect of condition, and the expected within-condition differences, with more suppression over the lateral compared to the medial clusters in the Arm condition and the opposite pattern in the Leg condition, were absent. This absence of a somatotopic organisation of sensorimotor alpha suppression during the observation of arm and leg actions is inconsistent with previous findings with 14-month-olds (Saby et al., 2013). A possible explanation for this finding is that in the study by Saby et al. (2013) the actions were presented in a live interaction with the experimenter, while in the current study the actions were presented on video. It has been shown that actions observed in live settings elicit greater sensorimotor cortex activation than actions presented on video (Ruysschaert et al., 2013; Shimada and Hiraki, 2006). However, although this may have weakened overall activation in the current study, it is unlikely to be the cause for the absence of a somatotopic effect as significant activation from baseline was found in both conditions and has been demonstrated in several previous studies that used video stimuli (e.g. Southgate and Begus, 2013; Southgate and Vernetti, 2014). Alternatively, as the videos only showed the effector without the body of the actor, it may have been difficult for the infants to recognise the effector performing the action. To our knowledge there is no study that directly compared sensorimotor alpha suppression in response to actions performed by an actor whose full body is visible compared to actions performed by ‘disembodied’ limbs. Although previous sensorimotor alpha studies have successfully used stimuli in which only a part of the actor\'s body was visible (de Klerk et al., 2015; Southgate et al., 2009, 2010; Southgate and Begus, 2013), it is possible that seeing the actor\'s whole body is particularly important to obtain somatotopic effects, and future studies are needed to investigate this possibility. When we looked at the areas of the sensorimotor cortex that were significantly activated during action observation, we found that both infants in the Arm and the Leg condition showed activation over the arm areas. Specifically, infants in the Arm condition showed significant suppression over the left arm area, and infants in the Leg condition showed significant suppression over the right arm area (and this suppression was significantly stronger than that measured over the leg area). There was no significant suppression over the leg areas in either of the conditions. The surprising finding that infants activated the arm, and not the leg area during the observation of the kicking actions, seems to be consistent with the idea that infants might have been emulating the goal of the action, i.e. reproducing the outcome of the action using their own means (Tomasello, 1996). Actions are organised in a hierarchical manner, with the overarching goal of an action being represented at the highest level of the hierarchy, followed by the motor signals that lead to the muscle activation through which the goal can be achieved, and with the kinematic level, which describes the configuration of the movements needed to be performed, at the lowest level of the hierarchy (Hamilton and Grafton, 2007). It has been suggested that observed actions are first interpreted at the highest possible level of this action hierarchy before they are passed on to the motor system, supporting the generation of predictions about how the action will unfold (Csibra, 2007; Wilson and Knoblich, 2005). Considering that there are many different ways in which a goal or subgoal can be achieved, it follows from this emulative action reconstruction account that if goal attribution is possible, even if infants have little experience with the action they are observing, they may emulate the outcome in an alternative way. It has been shown that infants from as young as 6 months of age can interpret unfamiliar actions as goal-directed as long as the action results in a (salient) change of state in the environment (Jovanovic et al., 2007; Kiraly et al., 2003). While infants observe grasping and pushing actions many times a day, kicking actions are much less frequently observed. Thus, infants in the current study may have been emulating how they would displace the toy themselves when they were watching the relatively unfamiliar kicking actions, leading to activation of the arm, rather than the leg areas. Although speculative, this interpretation of the data is consistent with several recent studies demonstrating that when adult participants were presented with actions performed with an unusual effector, e.g. grasping actions performed by the foot instead of the hand, parts of the motor system were more sensitive to the action goal than to the effector that was performing the action (Jastorff et al., 2013; Lorey et al., 2014; Rijntjes et al., 1999; Senna et al., 2014), suggesting that participants were emulating how they would perform the action rather than simply ‘mirroring’ the activation of the effector they were observing. Similarly, Gazzola et al. (2007) found that when individuals with congenital aplasia of the upper limbs were presented with grasping actions, they showed activation of the foot or mouth areas that they would typically use to achieve the same goal. The results of the current study suggest that infants might also emulate, rather than mirror, observed actions when the actions are relatively unfamiliar to them. Nevertheless, such an interpretation of the data is speculative at this stage and future studies will be needed to investigate more systematically whether sensorimotor cortex activation during action observation in infancy is goal-, or effector-specific.